BOGGO S2 E1 – Sneak Peek of 2019
- On : 1 February, 2019
- By : Boggo Road Gaol
- Category : Stories
- View : 1895
‘BOGGO’ – S2 E1. Sneak Peek of 2019.
Happy New Year to our listeners and readers alike. It is fantastic to be finally back for a second season of ‘BOGGO’ the official podcast of Boggo Road Gaol – recorded live inside its walls.
Happy New Year to our listeners and readers alike. It is fantastic to be finally back for a second season of BOGGO the official podcast of Boggo Road Gaol – recorded live inside its walls.
2019 has a number of significant anniversaries and special events. We thought perhaps you would like a sneak peek of what we will be discussing this year and for the first time, you will get to influence what we talk about! There will be more special guests this season too!
Here are just a few of the exciting events that are coming up this year!
The 80th Anniversary of Arthur Ernest Halliday or Slim as he was known doing his first long stretch at Boggo Road. Five Years for Housebreaking. Slim is a notorious character. This month we explore his story a little closer.
Queensland Women’s Week and International Women’s Day. Look out for a series of events promoting Boggo Road Gaol from a female perspective.
March is also the 30th Anniversary of the Boggo Road Gaol “Fun Run” the greatest mass escape in the Gaol’s history. It is also the 90th Anniversary of the construction of the Prison Workshops… constructed in 1929 these buildings formed an essential part of prison life.
The Colossus of Boggo Road Gaol – 30th years since Nathan Jones was sent to Boggo Road. Nathan has gone on to make a successful life in Hollywood for himself. Keep an eye out for this giant character in April!